“Chemm Finance Ltd” is a Highly Rated Non Banking Financial company of India with a huge base of trusted clients and patrons. The company was incorporated on 2nd of August, 1993. (CIN-U85110KA1993PLC014599) Though based in Bangaluru, the company has its operations spread across in the whole of Karnataka. It has several branches established in Karnataka. Chemmanur Jewellery Group of Companies (Karnataka) is the promoter of the company.

Chemm Finance Ltd. is a recognised organisation with a well-established presence in the financial market and among the clients. The company was registered with the Reserve Bank of India as ‘A’ category Deposit Accepting NBFC on 27th Feb 1998 under section 451 A of RBI Act 1934.

Chemm Finance Ltd. was formed under the able leadership of established names in the business world. It has George Chemmanur, ex-Director of Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. as the chairman of the company. Shyaman P, former senior executive of Federal Bank is the CEO of the company. Chemm Finance Ltd. has highly experienced and responsible people as members of its Board of Directors. The core members of the company act as the think-tank of the firm. Due to the direction and guidance offered by the veterans and the insights brought by their experience the company has been successful in carving a name among the top financial organisations in the southern part of the country. The company also has a dedicated team of workers who are enthusiastic and committed towards the company’s growth.  

The company believes in the values of trust, reliability and hard work. The interests of the clients and patrons are given utmost importance. Every decision of the company is taken keeping in mind the well-being of the clients and patrons. The company maintains transparency in all its work processes and transactions.

The progress of the company in the last two decades exemplifies the fact that hard work and dedication always pay off. From being a new entrant in the highly competitive field of finances to being recognised as one of the well-known names in the business is no mean task to achieve. However, Chemm Finance Ltd. believes in growth and progress. Hence, the company always strives to overcome new challenges and reach greater heights of success.

1. To be the most preferred NBFC in the state of Karnataka
2. To be known as an institution of Excellent services
3. To be known for Best Customer Services
4. To be the Synonym for Integrity, Security and Stability.
5. To serve the public to meet the timely financial requirements.